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An afternoon thunderstorm

1 Aug

When I was in Taiwan, it rained almost every day in the afternoon.  Most of the time I was in the office and so would watch the sky go dark from the window, hoping that the storm would be over before I needed to head out.  One of the weekend days that I was there I decided to stay in for the afternoon and watched the sky from my window snapping these photos.

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My window looked north and the contrast of the mountains with the changing weather was something special.

The photos were taken over about two hours as the blue sky was covered by clouds, then the rain started and finally, things cleared again.

After things cleared, I went out and in the cooler afternoon air, started to explore more of Taipei.

Sometimes staying in for the afternoon is the best – how do you decide if you’ll go explore or relax inside?  What’s your favorite way to spend a thunderstorm?

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